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About Us


About Lanier Chiropractic, PC

At Lanier Chiropractic, PC we created our practice with YOUR needs in mind. Our services include chiropractic, massage therapy, and physical rehab. We individualize our care for each patient, including those who are suffering from auto accidents, lower back pain, neck pain, sciatica, sports injury, bulging or degenerative discs. We use the latest technology, including the Low force Proadjuster, to help our patients achieve optimal health and wellness.

We strive to provide the best chiropractic in Laguna Hills and South Orange County

I understand what it feels like to have pain, as  it played a pivotal role in my decision to become  a chiropractor. During my childhood through teenage years I had unusual "growing pains," that were not  addressed by visits to Doctors.  Early in my  adult life, I went to a  chiropractor and it was found that one leg was much shorter than the other, causing my structural alignment to be out of balance.

Causing Migraine headaches, unexplained shoulder pain, "growing pains" and hamstring muscle pulls (tears) anytime I ran at 100%. 

Through the past 2 decades in chiropractic I've learned many different techniques. After we complete your history and examination. I will recommend a course of care and treatment technique  tailored to your specific condition for optimal results. 

Some techniques are very gentle  such as the Proadjsuter.  Other techniques are sports injury focused. While other techniques are meant for those injured in car accidents. 

Dr. Lanier.

Dr. Timothy Lanier DC
Licensed since 2002

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