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Frequently Asked Questions

Does your office take my insurance?

We are In - Network providers for United Health Care PPO and HMO, AETNA PPO and HMO, BC PPO/ HMO, BS PPO/ HMO, ANTHEM, Monarch Part of Optum, SCAN, Medicare,

Insurance has never been more confusing. We have been in practice since 2002 and have attended countless seminars and educations webinars on insurance.  So we understand if you have questions and will do our best to answer your questions.

Does my insurance cover massage?

In general when insurance says they are covering massage, please understand it not a 60 min spa massage.   It is a Trigger Point Massage, A Therapeutic massage or massage gun or massage bed. These would be covered at one unit of 15 minutes.

We do not offer 15 minute sessions. Our massage therapist are 60 and 90 minute cash sessions and not billable to insurance. We can however provide you with statements and if you wish to bill your insurance to regain any money spent we more than happy to provide those statements. This is our office policy. 

Does my insurance cover Decompression traction?


1. If your on a  PPO insurance the answer is yes

2. If your on Medicare or HMO insurance the answer is No

However we do provide "Roller Bed"/ Intersegmental traction/ "massage table" at no charge for our HMO patients.  It a different use of the table.  Please note cervical decompression is not performed on the table.

How much is my first visit?

If you have insurance, please give us your insurance information.

If you you do not have insurance its $55 for the exam and $60 for the adjustment.  We do offer up to 15% prepaid discounts for cash patients. 

Do your office accept letter of protection or Lien?

We accept letter of protection or lien. 


We accept LOP and Signed lien for  the benefit of the injured person for whom we are all concerned gets the care the need. 

Primary differences between HMO and PPO coverages.

Primarily its on covered services: for example extremity (ex. shoulder) these are covered on PPO and not HMO.   In a chiropractic offices, rehab exercise and stretches are not covered on HMO but would be covered on a referral to Physical therapy.  In general most therapies are not covered on HMO. However adjustments to the spine are covered. We give stretches and exercises to all  patients regardless of insurance plan . 


However for the benefit of the patient, we do provide our HMO and Medicare patients with home care rehab stretches and exercises to perform. 

How much is your 1 hour massage?

Our message therapist are career and professional medical therapist. In the Field for over 40  Combined years. 



What techniques does the Doctor use?

Varies, Depends on Physical Condition and Patient preferences.

Traditional chiropractic adjustments, However key difference for our cervical and lumbar adjustments is lack of any rotation. 

Proadjsuter as seen on home page.

Erchonia Adjustor

All patients are expected to be a part of their recovery. And if your able to do stretches and exercises we will provide those to all patients. We  find that the patients who are actively involved in their healing and improvement have better out comes, short  and long term  than those who are not actives involved. 

We are a restorative care chiropractic office and NOT  chiropractic pain management clinic.  




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